Previously Using The Cube? Meridix Is Your Perfect Alternative For Live Streaming

Updated July 17, 2018

If you've arrived here, you probably already know that The Cube (also known as High School Cube, HSC, or was acquired by the NFHS Network and was shut down on May 1, 2018. As a result, all of the previous content on The Cube was eliminated, and free live streaming or on-demand viewing is no longer available on that platform.

But never fear - Meridix is here to help! The Meridix Platform is the perfect alternative or replacement for The Cube. We invite all previous broadcasters on The Cube to transition to Meridix and resume live streaming sports and events as you did before (with live HD video, live audio, PPV not required, automatic archiving, audience statistics, and more, of course). We have both free and premium plans to fit any budget and any size team, school, media/radio/TV, or broadcaster. And, we even have many features that The Cube didn't have.

Find out more here:

Plans and features (free or premium):

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Have questions? Give us a call at (800) 716-7805. Or, you can send us an email at [email protected].

We've served over 150,000 live events, and counting - we look forward to hosting yours!